Wednesday, January 02, 2008

A Lady of High Regard by Tracie Peterson - Review

A Lady of High Regard (Ladies of Liberty, Book 1) by Tracie Peterson
softcover, 2007, Bethany House
336 pages
Although Mia Stanley was born into a family of high social standing, she loves her job as a writer for Godey’s Lady’s Book magazine and matchmaking for her friends. Through her writing assignments, her eyes are opened to the world around her.

Only blocks from home, down at the waterfront, is a world of poverty and danger. Mia’s heart is heavy for the plight of the seaman’s wives, who are left with the burden of rent and providing for their families. Enslaved by a society that would rather ignore their existence, Mia stands as a woman who would be their champion.

Mia’s talent for matchmaking and persuasion influences others for her cause. While trying to find a match for her closest friend Garrett, Mia realizes she cares deeply for him.

As danger from the waterfront looms closer, Mia risks’ not only losing her heart, but her life as well.
Tracie Peterson brings us another wonderful romance, filled with danger and excitement. I look forward to the next in the series; Ladies of Liberty.

1 comment:

HereBeDragons said...

A bit of fluff this one. It was fun, but why does the heroine have to fly about, completely heedless and ignorant of obvious danger?