Thursday, October 18, 2007

Bittersweet by Cathy Marie Hake - Review

Bittersweet by Cathy Marie Hake
softcover, Bethany House Publishers
ISBN: 0764201662
400 pages

Laney McCain has loved Galen from afar, impatiently waiting for him to notice she is a woman now, and not just his friend’s kid sister.

Galen starts to take notice of the sweet young girl that has grown up before his eyes. Meanwhile a poor family of squatters takes up residence on the edge of Galen’s family farm.

Determined to show a Christian example, he allows them to stay and hires twin brother and sister, Ishmael and Ivy to help around the farm in exchange for food. But his Christian kindness is tested in a turn of bitter events neither Laney nor Galen are prepared to handle. They must both learn to trust God's plan for their lives and rely on His wisdom.

Bittersweet continues with characters from Ms. Hake’s book Letter Perfect about Josh and Ruth. I was drawn into Ms. Hake’s wonderful tale as both Galen and Laney’s attitudes toward what is happening in their lives is out of their control and in their Heavenly Father’s hands. The characters come to life in this book that is both fun and witty as well as one that makes you think. I’ve enjoyed Ms. Hake’s books and look forward to more.

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